
Hey lovelies,
          	I know I haven't been posting anything lately and I have taken my stories down for the time being. Although I've disappeared for a while I have been working on something that I'm hoping is about to be my best story yet (fingers crossed). Thank you for baring with me. I'll let you know when the new story is on its way xx


Hey lovelies,
          I know I haven't been posting anything lately and I have taken my stories down for the time being. Although I've disappeared for a while I have been working on something that I'm hoping is about to be my best story yet (fingers crossed). Thank you for baring with me. I'll let you know when the new story is on its way xx


Okay, so I have sort of hit writer's block with a couple of my original stories from this account, so currently I don't think I will be publishing them again soon. However, I do have a new story, which I'm working on currently, that I could upload for you and I would post updates every week, as it's a work in process. If that's okay? x


OMG!!!! I'm so sorry guys that I haven't put my stories back up. I've had a really tough few months with exams and results and had some personal things to deal with. I will try my absolute hardest to get them all back up, but I really want to get the edits done first. 
          Love all of you guys <3 


Thank you so much for supporting my stories by following me!<3


Thank you very much!<3


@BlackRose54 thats okay. Your work is amazing. I cant wait for the next update on the drama with my drama teacher 