
Hi there! I'd just like to say thank you for all the support you've shown for my story. I had so much fun going through and replying to all your comments! It's been blast. You have such a fun and quirky personality, and I do admire that. You made me realize so many plot holes that I didn't eve notice was there, so thanks again! I'm currently editing the whole thing, so you can see, some of the chapters might not relate to each other. Let's say chapter 7 and 8. Chapter 7.5 is currently in the making, and I hope that you'll enjoy it. 
          Cat a.k.a The Juvenile Genius


@BatAndBird6566 Haha, not at all! I tend not to take notice of little things like that. I'm not one to take things personally, so don't think too much about it! It's all good ;)


@TheJuvenileGenius woah I probably sounded really snobby there.... Sorry.....