
Am I the only one who agrees that Teruteru is a Familial yandere???
          	I mean the deal with his mom. He loves her alot to the point he literally commited m_rd3r (*cough* Twogami) just to see her again and to make sure she's okay. (Notice how I said "Familial" yandere, no 1ncesT). So I'm guessing if he ever had a family of his own he would literally m_rd3r anyone in sight who tries to harm them.
          	(!THIS IS JUST AN IDEAAA¡)


Am I the only one who agrees that Teruteru is a Familial yandere???
          I mean the deal with his mom. He loves her alot to the point he literally commited m_rd3r (*cough* Twogami) just to see her again and to make sure she's okay. (Notice how I said "Familial" yandere, no 1ncesT). So I'm guessing if he ever had a family of his own he would literally m_rd3r anyone in sight who tries to harm them.
          (!THIS IS JUST AN IDEAAA¡)


(ANGSTYYYYYYYY WARNINNGGGG) Is it bad that I headcanon that Nekomaru was  D E V A S T A T E D after Teruterus death. Like, I can imagine you're man was more quiet, distant and till the point he literally has to be dragged by Akane everywhere because he's still mentally stuck back in the past back when his boyfriend was still alive.
          Also Monokuma hears him crying every night through the cameras.
          (unhealthy obsession with angst moment)


:') I love this but I hate this, I love it because I’m a sucker for good angst but I hate it because it’s such a devastating thought (great headcanon though, it really brought out my emotions)


i cried while reading this


Aye there use to be an account called 'Teruterusfatass' and they had their terunidai fanfics and now there gone :(( where you at homie




Idk why they took their fanfics down but now their Moistwithhay 


Another Terunidai headcanon : Nekomaru sometimes likes to lie his head on Teruteru's chest and cuddle like that when he thinks Teruteru is asleep because poor guy wants comfrot too-


I love how your mind works


Terunidai headcanon: I always imagine that, when Teruteru and Nekomaru are cuddling together. Teruteru is just gently humming a lullaby and then he sees Nekomaru has fallen asleep because his voice is just      e a r   c a n d y