
Check out my rewrite of Kingston Unversity for the Gifted! It's called The Problem With Games, and the first three parts are up now!


Hey! I loved your story! I am writing my own and it’s called Jealousy, do you have any tips? It’s also about horses. 


Okay thanks. When are you going to update kengsinton?


Hi! First of all, thank you!! Hopefully I'll be able to get my revisions out soon so you can read some more! 
            My best piece of advice is to plan out your story on paper (or Google Docs XD) before you start writing. Develop your characters, your plot, the number of chapters you want, etc. Then you can start writing. It really helps me to know where the story is going so I can tie it all together. Good luck!


i just wanted to say that i love your book Kingston University and i was jw when you might post another chapter? ik you’re busy a lot of the time but it’s a great book and i love reading it!:)


@katomine First of all, thank you so much! I love to hear feedback about Kingston in general! So the answer to that question is hopefully sometime this week. I'm on spring break and have a little extra time, so I want to finish the next chapter ASAP. Look out for it!


Hey Heather!
          I see your a Star Wars fan like Valerie XD
          I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for reading Of Mist & Madness (soon to be Crescendo Skies). I hope you are enjoying the story! 


Of course! I love your story. I read it through in about seven hours yesterday... I can't wait for an update!