
Hey guys! I just entered a teen writing contest for the month of November called NaNoWriMo. I am trying to get to 15000 words by the end of the month, but I thought you might want to read my story too, so I am posting it chapter by chapter. Enjoy!


@Bareford Hi, my name is Chibi and I’m a Christian too, and I just read some of your Kidge fanfic, and some of it was a little questionable, and I was wondering if you could check out my Kidge fanfic? Only if you want to. Well, bye and God bless!


I can’t wait and I wish you the best of luck!!! 


 Thanks and good luck 


          Trust me this will put a smile in your face make your day or help you 
          Every night someone thinks about you before 
          They go to sleep
          At least 15 people in this 
          World love you. 
          The only reason someone would ever hate you is
          Because they want to be
          Just like you
          There are at least two people in this world that 
          Would die
          You mean the world to 
          Someone that you don’t even know 
          When you make the biggest mistake ever 
          Something good comes from it   
          When you the world has turned it’s back on
          You take a 
          Always remember the compliment ls you’ve received. 
          Forgoet the rude remarks. 
          So if you are a loving friend send this 
          15 people 
          The person that sent it to you aka me
          Midnight your true love will realise 
          They like you. 
          Something good will happen to you between 1  and 2 in the morning 
          4 o’clock pm
          It could be anywhere. Get ready for the biggest 
          Shock in your 
          If you break this chain YOU will be cursed with 
          Relationship problems 
          For the next years. Send this 
          To 15  people 15 in 15 minutes !!
          Make someone else’s day! Help get a mile on someone’s face ! Help someone out! Remember that your lived FRIENDS 
          FIGHT FOR YOU 
          RESPECT YOU
          INVOLVE YOU 
          NEED YOU 
          DESERVE YOU
          SAVE YOU
          send this to all your friends and me if I’m one ......  if you get 4 back I r liked but if you get 7 ur loved .


Hey lovely human, accept my cuddles! ❤️
          Post this on everyone you care about’s wall, because everyone deserves love.
          It doesn’t matter how many you get back because all you need to know is, I love you and support you with my whole being, no matter what <3 (unless you pull a Jeffery Dahmer-)
          Please try not to break the love chain!
          I love you ❤️


Can you give me some tips on writing, I’m trying to write a story that was based off of a Role Play I did.


@2Blue_eyes, Sorry I saw this so late. So, some tips. First, you are going to get writers' block. When that happens, do one of 2 things. 1, write your characters in a random mall scene to get yourself writing again. 2, just start writing. It will be crap, but you'll need to just get yourself to write. 
            Because your story is based off a role play, you have the story. If the role play is still going, take notes so you'll remember. Also, you can change stuff, but make sure it fits both characters and the environment around them.
            And Grammarly. It really does help.


I have a kidge fanfic idea, it’s the first episode but it’s a life swap so Lance is the cook/engineer and the yellow paladin, Hunk is the “sharpshooter”, rivals with Pidge( but they call her Katie)and the blue paladin, Katie is half galra, the fighter of the bunch and the red paladin, Keith is the hacker/techie of the bunch and the green paladin, Matt is the new space dad, keeps everyone from going at each other’s throat, and the new black paladin


@Paduu05 Okay, after this story, I'll work on that one!


          I can't use the suggestion box. I hope it's not a problem I write my request here. My idea is that Pidge finds a bunch of older kids bullying a galra child. She defends him and takes him to the castle. He travels with the paladins and becomes part of the team. He thinks of Pidge as a sister/mother figure and Keith as a role model because he's a galra just like him. He even copies his mullet. The kid's name could be Yorak. Is albinism possible to garlas?
          If you want to change something, feel free to do it. Thanks for reading this ridiculously long post. Bye!


@RedFlareHunter I will try to write that! Thanks for the idea and sorry for the suggestion boxes failure.


@SparklyBleh Sorry I did see this before! I will check it out!