
I’m so sorry for not writing anything like I said I would, I’ve been dealing with some mental issues for a while now and I decided a while ago that it would be good for me to get away from technology and stuff like that. But I’m better now so I’m back! I’m not completely ok, but I feel like it’s time for me to return and post some actual stories. The books about memes and drawings and that kind of stuff will be on this account; however I have a separate account that I will post actual stories on and they will all be about My Hero Academia. I already have some story ideas planned and I will be posting them as soon as I get a chance to between school and all that. My other account is Mina_Is_A_Strawberry. I will comment on this post with my other account so anybody that wants to go to that account and check it out can get there easily. I promise to post as soon as I can. Have a nice night and hopefully you all have a good day tomorrow too!


I’m so sorry for not writing anything like I said I would, I’ve been dealing with some mental issues for a while now and I decided a while ago that it would be good for me to get away from technology and stuff like that. But I’m better now so I’m back! I’m not completely ok, but I feel like it’s time for me to return and post some actual stories. The books about memes and drawings and that kind of stuff will be on this account; however I have a separate account that I will post actual stories on and they will all be about My Hero Academia. I already have some story ideas planned and I will be posting them as soon as I get a chance to between school and all that. My other account is Mina_Is_A_Strawberry. I will comment on this post with my other account so anybody that wants to go to that account and check it out can get there easily. I promise to post as soon as I can. Have a nice night and hopefully you all have a good day tomorrow too!


Ok so I just found out that brown recluse spiders live in Texas and I’m now rocking back and forth on the floor out of fear. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to close my eyes ever again. I also probably won’t be able to go anywhere due to spiders being able to be anywhere. IM SO SCARED RIGHT NOW! PLEASE HELP MEEEEEEE!


But they’re still scary!


@Bakugo_Is_A_KitKat Spiders cannot hurt you