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r u too good to follow me. COUSIN


I know I'm late, just doing some re-reading and thought I'll comment something ... But I am in LOVE with that idea. Should they stir up some drama though? Beau already kind've had it rough. How about her parents being supportive, but I guess it would make sense for them to come in and stir things up. And maybe there should be a wedding. Ohh she should go into labor on her wedding day. And I'm waiting for something to happen with Lucas and Stephanie. Sorry for so much.... I'm just having many ideas..... Sorry! @BubbleYummyBunny @Muahbby 


OMG.......... Thanks for adding tree of my books to your library =)
          "The Girl In The Attic"
          "The Best Friend Saga: Jasmine & Jacob -Book 1"
          "Lost Tears"
          Thank you very much i hope ur enjoying them & look out for the new update Wednesday for "THE GIRL IN THE ATTIC" & tonight for "JASMINE & JACOB"