
I’m 6000+ words into the next chapter there was so much more to say than I thought holyyy ahhh


Ayo remember how I said I’m not dead and will be updating soon, like, months ago?
          But I am back and I am working on the next part, so hopefully that should be up soon.
          How soon? No idea 
          But to give y’all an idea, I’m about 3500 words into the next oneshot, but the idea is kinda elaborate, so I expect the final word count to be about double what I have now. So I’ll be working on that now while I have the inspiration, and hopefully I’ll be getting that out in the next few days.
          In the meantime, I want to say thank you so much for all your support and patience <3 your comments are hilarious and they give me a lot of motivation to keep writing.
          Stay safe and happy, I love y’all!


HEY , i hope you r doing well<3 this is just an appreciation msg to you, n istg this was the my favourite one shot book so far i have read many, like i have read every oneshot in this book you r so talented istg, i hope you write more, i love your writing , take care<3


Aww thank you so much  not me on the verge of tears lol. I’m working on the next chapter and hopefully (if my motivation and inspiration don’t leave me again) it should be out in a few days. It’s gonna be a long one <3


Right. It’s been brought to my attention that someone may be stealing my work. 
          Do not do that.
          If you want to use my works in your own collection, ask me for permission first via DMs, and please ask about individual chapters - a one-time permission doesn’t encompass all my work, past or future. And, if I do give permission, give credit. Do not present my efforts as your own. Even if it is on a different platform, either credit my account on that platform, or write “@Baby_Curl_Bennia on Wattpad”. 
          I put time, effort, and energy into these works, and I am not willing to part with them for nothing.
          — Kath


Right so,, writer’s block is stressing me out and so are exams, but I am slowly working on stuff!! I just wanted to say that, when I publish the Wolfstar oneshot I have planned, my book ‘Drarry Oneshots’ will be renamed to ‘Harry Potter Oneshots’. Don’t worry - it’s still going to be the same book, just renamed :)
          ~Kath <3


Ok tbh I’m really sorry that I haven’t updated in a while. I have a very busy schedule now, and I’m also working on like 3 other stories on the side. I will try to update more frequently (at least more frequently than, like, once a year ) from now on. Anyway, thanks for reading, and happy new year!