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Hey saw your break announcement and have to say it's sad to see stuff like this happened even tho we live in a modern society I have a suggestion listen to some veterans story like graves story of iwajima or if it will bring back those memories don't do it then but yea it's hard to imagine shit like that was common in ancient and medieval times hope you get well soon 


After you rewrite your Azur Lane X Halo Story will they're be a chapter where UNSC Amagi, Enterprise and Javelin let the Shipgirls and Commander see what space is like.


@CalebadmiraCalebThre still Sirens, but buffed.
            I did think about introducing the Covenant but I just cannot think of a believable scenario to introduce them into the story. I mean, finding a probable and believable reason to bring 3 ships from the future back to the past is already hard enough, not to mention the amount of drafts that I had to scrap.


@BabbyBobby021 Covenant or Sirens, but I'm pretty sure you're going to Say Covenant 


@CalebadmiraCalebThre my rewrite will be a darker take on the azur lane universe, so they need to see Earth as a whole to know who they truly are and what their enemy truly is.


U alive?


@BabbyBobby021 Take Your Time, I'm also working on my stories as well too


@MARK_SANTIAGO I'm still working on it but it will take some time. I'm currently trying to make the whole summon scene and what happens next seem believable and not too cringy.
            Afterall, I still have to go to work which takes the highest priority.


@BabbyBobby021 Oh ok
            Could you also work on The greatest noble story after it
            I wanna see their reaction to the Hyper lethal spartan