
Bleh! Sorry I skipped my last update everyone. My computer has decided to ultimately die, and it'll be about another week before I have another one. I do promise to have two updates by that time however (hopefully one of which will be more exciting), so bear with my slowness. Thanks for the understanding! :D


@Baalstrum Hahaha I know that feel bro.  It's like, a part of me dies with my computer, because no computer = no programming QwQ
          	  However, I await your return xD and I have some books (by other authors) that you absolutely need to check out. Also, my critiques are pending xD
          	  Okay, so then, bye! 


Bleh! Sorry I skipped my last update everyone. My computer has decided to ultimately die, and it'll be about another week before I have another one. I do promise to have two updates by that time however (hopefully one of which will be more exciting), so bear with my slowness. Thanks for the understanding! :D


@Baalstrum Hahaha I know that feel bro.  It's like, a part of me dies with my computer, because no computer = no programming QwQ
            However, I await your return xD and I have some books (by other authors) that you absolutely need to check out. Also, my critiques are pending xD
            Okay, so then, bye! 


          The struggle is real my friend, the struggle is real.


@Baalstrum Sorry. Shall proceed to edit said comment. Actually, that's what I meant.


@coffeeismyblood ...Perhaps my language is *superfluous*, but I fail to see an excess of superlatives.