SORRY i thought i’d be able to write but this year has been so hard omg (well as u all probably know.... like global pandemic lmao)
          	but i will try my hardest to finally write again!


omg WHAT IS UP?? it’s been literally like a whole year lol. sorry for going mia, i’ve kinda had like the worst year of my life. THE WORST. but i actually feel like being creative again. do y’all want to see me write an actually good story lmao? different ships (i ship anything tbh)?


I’ve recently started reading your stories and OMG!! You’re THE BEST. I finished reading psychosis last night and it’s been a whole year since you last updated the story. I really hope you’re doing better now. Can you please update the last chapter of psychosis :’(


Liz, OMG, It’s been so long since we talked! Update me on your life ❤️❤️ Also, I saw your note about PSYCHOSIS, and and how its read and votes are declining. Girl, I feel you so!!hard!! Regardless of low user engagement though, that book is a true unearthed gem. Even if you feel that it’s message is not being transmitted to readers, the quality and effort that you’ve put forth is outstanding. Just be proud of that. On a related note, I’m also going to try to finish that book because I’m excited to see how things go down between Jikook and Yoongi’s constant arrival. Nevertheless, how are you doing? 


hey, we haven’t spoken in ages, but i was just scrolling around on this site and for some reason from the depths of my memory i remembered “oh, it’s lizzy’s birthday.” i hope you have been doing well and that you have a wonderful day <3 love and miss you!!