
By a show of hands who is still waiting for the next chapter? Like I am genuinely curious. I know it’s been forever and I don’t know how to apologize 


Wow I’m actually awful. I haven’t updated “I’m Not Crazy” in like two months and I deeply apologize. School has been super stressful and I haven’t really been able to find any time for myself to sit and write. I will try to make time cuz I feel bad for leaving the people who genuinely enjoy my story.


@BTSs_Mum Awww thank you so much! I miss the story, so if you can please update! ( ^ω^ )♡


I had work all weekend then my dad made me clean. It’s the Super Bowl tonight but I don’t like football so I’ll be writing the chapter then I will most likely get it up. Please do ask me questions or just get to know me better on my Tellonym