
—     /   band au for the win   .  
              tomura had been behind kurogiri's bar   -   fixing himself a drink  .   he didn't exactly know the mixture  -   but it was one he made every single time mainly to numb the pain in his arms   .   he looked over when everyone started screaming and cheering   -  eyebrows raised in a questioning manner   .  
                "    what the hell are they screaming abo  —   ..    oh   .   "  
               the male's ears flattened against his head as his tail tucked between his legs   -    eyes shimmering softly as he looked at the man who'd just gotten onto the stage   -   his chest tight   .  
               "    kurogiri —    ..   who is he    ?   "  


     touya had been in a band with some old friends of his . in which he went by dabi , they were performing at some old bar . he never heard of the place before , he walked on stage with big black bass guitar with blue flames . 
                 hearing the cheering was always the worst part to him, he found it quite annoying . he ignored the fact as he got in his place behind a mic to the side of the lead guitarist and singer . having to fix his sloppy posture , standing up a little more straight , showing off his height . he put his slender fingers on the position markers of the neck of the guitar , waiting to start . 