//Taking a hiatus from watt


a small figure glanced at the male in what could be mistaken as awe, her cerulean orbs taking everything in as she lightly sniffed . ❝ étrange — Beauxbatons is quite different , do you eever cut your hair ? Is it true zat boys steenk ? Per’aps Madame Maxima was right . ❞


            she watched his facial expressions, throughly concerned and slightly self conscious about her presence. Pushing away the dark thoughts, she gave a light nod, not trusting her voice. her head tilted to the side, peering past the boy at the wide halls, loose silver curls falling gently over her shoulders. “ oui , I .. I think that would ve nice . Everyzhing here is so . . . warm .”


@veelablood “I doubt the opinion of a stranger matters much, but from what I’ve heard of Beauxbatons, you’d have a lot more fun here.” He shrugged, tucking his hands into the pockets of his robes. Part of him kept nagging that there was something unusual about this girl, supernatural in a sense that wasn’t as common as simple magic. He pushed the thought away, thoroughly engrossed in the conversation. “If you’re not too busy, I can show you around? Might aid in your decision if you have a proper tour of the grounds. And believe me, no one knows them better than I do.” 


            the pale blush that set her face aflame only seemed to release the anxiety that grew in the pit of her stomach. She was used to the comments and the stares although most were rendered to stuttering and useless blushes, Sirius Black left her shocked. “You are quite ze charmer, oui Seerius , you would be correct, I was zhinking of transferring .”


Huh, I don't think we've met before...I'm Emilia Taylor, sixth year. 


She followed and and had an excited expression. She had nothing against thrill and excitement, in fact she lived for it. She glanced at the direction the voices were coming from and her expression filled with curiosity. She wondered what his plan was and why he suddenly got excited when he heard the oncoming voices.


@wanderlustroars He grinned, a mischievous glint in his eyes. “I’m so glad you agree.” Voices traveled down the corridor and his grin widened. “In here, quick.” He ducked into an empty classroom, waiting for her to follow. He knew who was coming. The plan was coming together nicely. 


She tilted her head and her calm, neutral smile changed into a mischievous one. The brunette looked up at him and replied, "A little fun never hurts." She arched her eyebrow at him as she observed how cautious he was.