
Apologies if you've received multiple notifications lately. While rewriting "The Class That Cried Werewolf," I made the decision to split "Now is Riled" in half. Why? Well, simply because I can! I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look. Thank you!


Apologies if you've received multiple notifications lately. While rewriting "The Class That Cried Werewolf," I made the decision to split "Now is Riled" in half. Why? Well, simply because I can! I'd really appreciate it if you could take a look. Thank you!


Hello dear readers,
          I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share an important update regarding one of my stories on Wattpad. Your support and enthusiasm mean the world to me, and I owe you an explanation for my recent decision.
          After much thought and consideration, I have decided to put "Esoteric Flame Breathing" on an indefinite hiatus. This was not an easy decision to make, but it comes from a place of wanting to provide you with the best possible storytelling experience.
          I am currently working on multiple stories, and while I am passionate about each one, I have realized that I need to prioritize one of them to give it the attention and care it deserves. This decision is in no way a reflection of my commitment to the story I'm putting on hold; rather, it's a way for me to ensure that I can deliver the highest quality content to all of you.
          I want to assure you that this is not the end of the story. It's merely a temporary pause, and I fully intend to return to it when the time is right. In the meantime, I encourage you to explore my other work(s), and I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback on those as well.
          Your support and understanding mean everything to me, and I am deeply grateful for the incredible journey we've had together so far. I promise to keep you updated on the progress of my other stories and any changes regarding the one on hiatus.
          Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you in the future. If you have any questions or simply want to chat about my stories, please feel free to reach out.


To all "The Class That Cried Werewolf" fans, it's not deleted, but I unpublished it because I wanted to rewrite the story for grammar and sentence structure, and also, I wanted to add/remove a scene or two. If I'm consistent, I should be able to republish it before September with a new chapter.
          I'm sorry for not updating the story for the past month, as things IRL were keeping me busy. I hope the new chapter will be worth the wait. Until then, stay tuned!!


@B3r1itz oh it will very worth it. This has been a damn good story so far 