
this message may be offensive
I just reached 1M interactions on C.Ai holy shit-


Since AO3 doesn’t have a status feature I’m forced to say this here.
          Ma Lumière has surpassed (just barely) 15k reads on AO3 and I’m so happy!! :D IDEK HOW THAT HAPPENED BUT IT DID AND I’M SO GLAD CUS IT WAS THE FIRST FIC I EVER MADE THAT WAS SORTA PLANNED OUT-
          While I was writing it I always hated it because of how poorly I felt it was paced and written. Honestly whatever the reason for THAT many reads I don’t care, I’m just grateful it got past 1k tbh ^^
          Ty to everyone who follows me on Ao3 and supported me on that silly lil fic <33


@Aerlynx ong!! ✨✨✨ congrats!!


guys i need your help, i’m thinking about writing another fic for Mixed Berries on my Ao3 account but i want it to correspond with the title so like…
          <If Vox was a type of berry (or even fruit), what would he be?>
          i’m thinking a blackberry but that’s only cus it’s the first thing that cones to mind. any suggestions would be helpful but i might just do some googling if i cant figure anything out


@Aerlynx Whoop whoop! Glad I could help <3
            And no ur the best <333


@My_Beautiful_Harem omggg thank you sm for this! youre the best ^^
            chokeberry sounds tempting lol but im probably gonna go for dewberry tbh since it seems to fit him well XD 
            also chatting with Al instead of sleeping is so real LMAO


@Aerlynx So instead of sleeping, I went and did a Google search on this lmaooo
            So, blackberry isn't a bad idea, ngl. The joke answer would be chokeberry (not sorry,) but the one I felt a mild pull toward was dewberry because they grow from red to purple-ish blue or bluish black, so you could see plenty of red and blue berries together. And also they're thorny like his bitchass personality <3
            I could also potentially see an argument for açai berries because blue or maayyybe even black raspberries, if you squinted and didn't mind being particular. And, if you smoked crack before deciding, you could be convinced to say mulberry or hackberry.
            Uhhh bye I'm off to chat with AI now instead of sleeping lmaoo (also just noticed the pfp, v cute)


I’m tempted to write an Alastor and Lucifer x Reader but the only problem is that I SUCK at writing for 2 characters at once </3
          I’ve also been experimenting with writing for a gender-neutral reader but that’s hard too ;-;


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@Aerlynx This is a fat fucking mood. Balancing multiple characters while maintaining their personalities is :skull: but like I wanna be a slut sometimes lmaooo


I wanna throw Vox in there too idk-