
Since it's been awhile, I was rereading some of my old stories and my god, I fell back in love with Innocence at Its Worst.
          	I'm thinking... REWRITE but better! This thing is five years old and I can't wait to enhance it! Longer chapters... Less cringe... Heavier detail. The works.
          	That means while balancing work, college AND another story I'm working on through the Collab account @FatedFlowers imma find time to poof up my most successful gem 
          	As always, I appreciate all of the friends I've made on here. Love you guys! ❤️


Since it's been awhile, I was rereading some of my old stories and my god, I fell back in love with Innocence at Its Worst.
          I'm thinking... REWRITE but better! This thing is five years old and I can't wait to enhance it! Longer chapters... Less cringe... Heavier detail. The works.
          That means while balancing work, college AND another story I'm working on through the Collab account @FatedFlowers imma find time to poof up my most successful gem 
          As always, I appreciate all of the friends I've made on here. Love you guys! ❤️


Hey all! So I've been sitting on this for awhile and finally decided it's time! I have officially created a Collab account with a close friend of mine and we are finally releasing one of our stories we have been working on for ages!
          @fatedflowers (I think I tagged it right lol
          This is a much bigger project than anything I've ever released on this account and I feel my writing has much improved!!!!!
          If you get a moment, please check out Fated Flowers by us! A&J!!!


Emerald it's been awhile when will you start writing again? =p


@AzurePhoenixX3 miss ya and your stories but totally get it hopefully things work out for you soon


@The16thRealm I'm really really sorry. Things have been extremely crazy for me this summer. It's.. a lot I guess. What with me having to move out, juggle college, high school and a full time job. Not mih free time anymore. Man. It stinks. But I do have a few notebooks I want to put online! I MISS WATTY


:3 been while cuz school and etc so hi! (Yes I to change my profile)


@AzurePhoenixX3 go and ya and cool and good luck and swag and idk and ok.... X3


Dude instead of throwing it back and forth you want to just co own the Google+ Community?


@The16thRealm OOOOOO!!; TO MAKE IT MORE INTERACTIVE!!! Nice!! I've noticed how very few people interact with others but only make posts about their own stories and not bothering to check out others
            Ahahah! This is great! Oh! I also recently changed everyone from limited to regular members, whoa that was a lot


@The16thRealm hey so I had some ideas that I want to talk about both being about new categories for the community one I had was creating one called Read for Read where you can well read a book and get a read and give feedback and things another idea I had was grammar police where it's basically a game to find out all the spelling errors in a story and it also works to improve our cognition for next time
            Anyways let me know what you think also if you have any ideas later!


@The16thRealm haha sure. That's a great idea


Yo yo mah friend thank you for the follow xD
          I'll have to check out your books soon! 


@AzurePhoenixX3 Awee thank you so much xD


@DerangedBlueCat oh don't worry about it, you seem pretty cool :P


Hey Emerald or Azure or she who shall not be named you own the Wattpad community Now? I was sort of moving what did I miss?


And yeah I agree


Damn You!!!!!!! 


I feel like we should change everybody from limited to actual member. It's.. limiting. 