
          	If any of y'all live in Idaho Falls, and have nothing to do these next couple of days, join me at the Teen Writing Camp going on at the Idaho Falls Public Library! 
          	It starts today, and happens everyday until Thursday, from 11 am to 1 pm. I'll be there every day, so hopefully we can see each other there! 
          	If you want more info, or have questions, feel free to DM me! 
          	(Today I'll be wearing a Jack Skellington shirt, and I do answer by Kathleen Jennings (Even if it's not my real name). Don't be afraid to say hi!)


Day 2! You can see me in a camo shirt if you go, and don't forget to say hi!


Also, if you know of anyone who would like to come, invite them! We couldn't have enough people!


A star has 5 ends
          A square has 4 ends
          A triangle has 3 ends
          A line has 2 ends
          But the circle of our friendship has no ends. Send this to all your friends.


You would be absolutely correct in that assumption ^^


@Krayzee_Tree Technically, they're vertices, not ends, and a badly pixelated circle could have 360 of them, or even more...
            But I will assume that our friendship has the highest definition, and your statement is true 


          If any of y'all live in Idaho Falls, and have nothing to do these next couple of days, join me at the Teen Writing Camp going on at the Idaho Falls Public Library! 
          It starts today, and happens everyday until Thursday, from 11 am to 1 pm. I'll be there every day, so hopefully we can see each other there! 
          If you want more info, or have questions, feel free to DM me! 
          (Today I'll be wearing a Jack Skellington shirt, and I do answer by Kathleen Jennings (Even if it's not my real name). Don't be afraid to say hi!)


Day 2! You can see me in a camo shirt if you go, and don't forget to say hi!


Also, if you know of anyone who would like to come, invite them! We couldn't have enough people!


GUYS!!! Guess what! 
          I just published Chapter 2 of the LEHR Inheritance!
          So, if you haven't checked that out, please do. And if you have... Go enjoy the next part of the story.
          Chapter 3 is also in the making, so be prepared for that! I expect that to be up in the very near future...


Hey there,
          This is the amazing person award. Once you are given this award you have to send it to other amazing people who, in your opinion, deserve it just like you. Please try not to break the chain, even though nothing will happen if you do.
          ~peace and love~


@Caladwen awww, thank you so much!


Hi, I am new and your stories are very fun to read. As a fellow reader, is there some tips that you know i can use? 


@Caladwen Hey! I am so glad you asked me, you make me feel special. Some tips you could use?
            If you're here for more of a filling your reading passion, then go ahead! You can find almost any Fandom story on here, and if not, you can create one. All that I ask is you be polite to all writers. Some have a hard time getting their stories out, so being kind is a great place to start to get followers, too.
            If you are looking for a place to share your stories, then being kind is good there too. Also, being thoughtful of the audience you have by keeping content clean is a thing I admire in writers. Other than that, go and enjoy the many wonderful things Wattpad has to offer, and if you have any questions, I would love to answer them for you.