
New story coming soon. Updates every day at 3:30pm MDT until Friday which will be the finale. It's dystopian Sci-fi which is something I don't usually write or read, but I hope you enjoy regardless!


          I know y'all don't care but I need to get this out of my system
          Through more asking around we find alleged reports of Lola having pepper spray on her that morning, but having pawned it off on someone else, as well as rumors she was expelled from her last school, though none of this can be confirmed right now. However, what can be confirmed was the fact that after Lola got inside, she made a run for it. As we were walking to the doors we hear a teacher's walkie talkie go off, she listens then tells the person to check the library for "her" by which we assume is Lola. At the end of the day, it's confirmed that Lola made a mad dash and ran off school grounds and can't be located. The last I hear was that a small knife and a vape have been found in her locker, but I haven't had any definite confirmation of that fact. 
          If you look at this part thanks because I just really needed to blab on about it. These things just never happen at our school and maybe I'll keep you updated on anything else that happens, I think the most that will happen is expulsion though, if what is said about the pepper spray, knife, and vape are true.
          Anyway, thanks for coming to story time :P


@YourLocalWillowTree ok, so nothing too dramatic, but there was talk of another possible fight, and someone pulled her hair too. Again nothing dramatic, but it's the most drama my school has seen in a while


          This is straight from the grapevine, pure genuine gossip
          There is this girl in my school, lets name her Lola (keep in mind we have a large spread of grades).  Lola recently transferred into the 7th grade, which is odd because we only have about month of school left. From what I can tell, she was left pretty much alone to settle in for the first few days she was there. Then, she started getting into drama, calling girls names, challenging them to fights, and pretty much setting the entire 7th grades population of girls against her. (I hear she was also back-talking teachers and being bitchy to people above and below her grade, but those are just rumors or one-off incidents from what I can tell.)
          I hear Lola disappears for a few days, and today, when she came back, a few girls had planned to take her up on that request to throw-down. Word of this got around (not to me apparently) and when we get released outside from the lunchroom, me and my friends see this giant ring of students. We don't engage and walk over to the fields to snack (even though there isn't food allowed outside, but the weather's nice so f it) and watch the drama from there. We see teachers flood to the circle, our principle is driving over in his golf cart and we are wondering what's going to happen.
          A few minutes later we see someone, Lola, getting led away and the crowd disperses a little, but not much, they just migrate to the doors. Me and my friends look at each other and agree this is a good time to see what the hell is happening (we had no idea at this point) and go to question the other students. We find out what I have just recounted to you all now, we were in shock because we didn't think anyone, let alone a 7th grader would get themselves into this big of a mess. OUT OF WORDS GO TO PART TWO