
Hello There!
          	Me again!
          	It may come as no shock to the very few who frequent this profile, but to those who do - you'll find all the stories are gone...
          	All except Lucid.
          	Which has become my main focus for the time being.
          	May the gods bless ADHD.


Thats okay! Your works are great! <3


Hello There!
          Me again!
          It may come as no shock to the very few who frequent this profile, but to those who do - you'll find all the stories are gone...
          All except Lucid.
          Which has become my main focus for the time being.
          May the gods bless ADHD.


Thats okay! Your works are great! <3


Today, we welcome some future projects to the family!
          With our Supernatural Universe of Eclipse being Spearheaded by Lucid, the Sci-Fi Universe of Andromeda being Explored in Chronicum Ab Astris, the Horror Universe of Darkverse written and catalogued with The Darklight Anthology, we finally welcome our Latest Additions:
          The Fantasy World of Akalys, with The Legend of Lacko coming in Awoken.
          The Emotion-Driven Series of Colours, with Blue igniting with Soft.


          Book 1 of The Neon Lights Saga. Eclipse.
          Entering the 8th and Final Draft.
          In celebration, Lucid has gained a new look (worked pretty hard on it).
          Prologue is in Final Phase. Enjoy the last draft while you can!
          For lore-seekers, future die-hard fans and the curious, most of the captured drafts will be available on Buy Me A Coffee, though I'm still working on the kinks on how to make it available.
          Stay tuned for updates!


UPDATE [01/23/2023]
          ● Creation of the 3 Main Projects:
          - Eclipse
          - Andromeda
          - Darkverse
          ● Currently, the Eclipse Flagship, Lucid, is undergoing its final draft and rewrite, which will be followed by the official 1st (second, actually) book of the Dying Moon Saga. Lucid is currently the Main Eclipse project.
          ● The Chronicum Ab Astris trilogy is the current Main Andromeda project.
          ● The Darklight Anthology is the current spearhead of the Darkverse Project.


          ● THE WITCH AND THE WOLF has concluded its first part with some interesting loose ends. Part 2: The Darkblood Region has yet to enter the works. With it, there is a question:
          ■ Should the story continue the dual-sided story telling, or move to one character?
          ●  ANGEL'S FALLING has relaunched with its first chapter, and be prepared for the next 4 as it takes the current spotlight.
          ● The Next Project, labelled GODUS will be styled in a Novella, with 3 stories tied to its pages. Expect the first to release in the near future.
          ● THE DARKLIGHT ANTHOLOGY will also be styled as a novella, with 3 Volumes, each with 3 stories giving a broader take on the Eclipse Universe. Expect the relaunch in the near future.
          ● THINKING DREAMS will now be tweaked and rewritten. With no release schedule or certain timeframe, expect the current main Eclipseverse Saga - The Dying Moon - to take shape in the following months.
          ● BLUE MOON is on complete hold.


          Before we move on to Part 2 (The Darkblood Region), I'm first going to bring ANGEL'S FALLING up to date, then bring you all the First Part of Project GODUS.


A lot of projects are on their way:
          ● THINKING DREAMS is currently in a long editing process after the Wattys. Tho this is set as LONG TERM.
          ● BLUE MOON will start running again in the NEAR FUTURE.
          ● ANGEL'S FALLING has its rewrite in FULL SWING.
          ● THE WITCH AND THE WOLF is the current MAIN PROJECT.
          ● NEW PROJECT under GODUS currently being DRAFTED. This will be a break from the main ECLIPSE UNIVERSE. Expect to see some of it SOON.
          ● DARKLIGHT ANTHOLOGY has entered the REDRAFT PHASE, as the set idea needs some tweaking. Currently on LOW PRIORITY.
          That's a wrap from your internet soft boi!
          Have a wonderful time!