
I sincerely apologize but I am unfortunately going on a hiatus. I am not sure when I will be back but hopefully around summer in 2024 because...
          	1. GCSEs
          	2. To see how My Hero Academia is going to end or at least know what is currently going on in the manga.
          	That's all and thank you for being patient with me. 
          	Have a nice day and see you all im 2024!! <3


and so the exams begin... to think it's almost been exactly a year since we were like "let's collaborate!" "yeah!" and we've done NOTHI- sorry, like, a few chapters.
          i think i forgot what last happened in red blossom. (ima write a long ass review) ehe~
          we started that karma fanfic and then like did nothing LOL
          edit from the next day: i forgot to post this bc i didn't write much at all ! GOODLUCK HONEYBUNS


I sincerely apologize but I am unfortunately going on a hiatus. I am not sure when I will be back but hopefully around summer in 2024 because...
          1. GCSEs
          2. To see how My Hero Academia is going to end or at least know what is currently going on in the manga.
          That's all and thank you for being patient with me. 
          Have a nice day and see you all im 2024!! <3


... There is a possibility that I may have to postone the other chapter I'm going to release due to me having an exam in February and then during May I will be having my GCSEs... 


Please continue this until the War Arc!! Pretty please !


Will probably post another chapter if Yawn could proofread quicker 


excuse you! maybe you could learn some grammar while I work…