
I'm back, and Chapter 7 of Dewdrops  is out! Chapter 8 to follow and Anthony's backstory soon after that :)
          	Looking forward to your comments!


Hi everyone! I'm taking a bit of a hiatus until mid August, so I might not be able to publish any new chapters until then. My goal was  to put out two or three chapters in July, but it might need to wait. See you soon~


Can I make a book cover for Dewdrops? I really like the story and think a personalized cover might attract more readers to read it.


Thank you! What kind of cover do you want any theme, face claims, and etc...?


@TheNoctisLich Of course, thank you so much for the offer!!


Hello everyone! Thank you so so much to those who have read, voted, and commented on Dewdrops. We have surpassed over 100 reads, and I am beyond grateful.  It genuinely means the world to me :').
          I know I haven't posted in a while, and I truly apologize for that. I have been neck deep in school work and have just not found enough time to finish writing/editing the next few chapters. If I could I would publish whatever I have ready for you right now, but I only want to make sure I deliver my best work for you all :). Quality over quantity!
          Finals will be over soon and after that you will certainly see more updates! Please note even though I'm not publishing I am doing quite a bit of research to make sure I am representing both the environment and my characters as accurately as possible.
          See you soon~


My apologies, I have recently been swamped with work and exams, so my progress on uploading the next chapter has been delayed :(
          I will continue to work on it and hope to upload by the end of the month. Thank you so much for being patient with me and for all of the lovely comments! They mean so much <3