
Its been a while


Still on the grind, just not forcing myself to write if I don't feel like i'm ready at the moment. If I forced myself until I burned out it would be like when I tried to post daily chapters. I have no clue how I kept that up for as long as I did.


August 8th will be the release of Travel Re:Written with the five chapters available at release. Doing it as a celebration for the 1 year anniversary. After that, i'll mantain weekly uploads for a bit. Finally, I have made the original Travel public again, just if you want to remember how bad it was ;)


@AwfullyAverage  i have to start reading it again,
            keep up the good story writing


I don't know why but, every once in a while I get an urge to write. It's a pleasant feeling, reminds me of when I started writing Travel. I believe this summer it turns one year old, if it hasn't alredy. I am really scared of how fast time flies. I hope I can finish this story by making it be everything i've planned it to be for so long. This wasn't the first story I planned writing at all, generic as it is, i'm glad I chose fantasy. Starting with this basic premise has helped me improve, and maybe i'll become good enough to give life to all the other stories i've had.
          The name of the MC for my first story was, and still is, Jack.


So quick update, and probably last at least for a while. I've finished the 5 chapter promise so im ready to publish, well i've been for some time. Problem being that I originally intended to write at least 15 chapters so I wouldnt have to keep grinding after publishing. Now though, im not sure if I have the energy to do that. If I were to publish now, updates would be infrequent, but I think 5 chapters is enough for a good while. While im not demamding an answer, I just thought I should tell you what i'm deciding between right now.


Thank you for the advice, I must admit that sounds like a good idea! However, I did promise the story would include 5 chapters at launch. Good thing being, including the prologue I have written 6, almost 7 chapters. I will use that one week like you said! For now though, I will take my time and write as much as I can without hurting quality! Thank you.


@AwfullyAverage  maybe with the chapters you have now do a weekly publish publishing 1 each week so you can regain energy and make a few more chapters a head of time so you dont feel like you have to grind a lot with new chapters or you could find your way of doing stuff its your story never rush