
How do I sprain my ankle? I’ve done it before, on accident. But our school has a policy where you’re not required to go to school if you have a sprained or broken foot/leg. Soo like.. tips? It’s probably gonna sound hella weird to y’all, but my ex is kinda there being a douche sooo


@_PanicAtTheRomance_ oof. And lucky. I hate my ex lmao


Man I don’t know...try twisting your ankle in a weird way? But I get it, if my school had that polar you I would break my left in a heartbeat. And I don’t even have an ex


How do I sprain my ankle? I’ve done it before, on accident. But our school has a policy where you’re not required to go to school if you have a sprained or broken foot/leg. Soo like.. tips? It’s probably gonna sound hella weird to y’all, but my ex is kinda there being a douche sooo


@_PanicAtTheRomance_ oof. And lucky. I hate my ex lmao


Man I don’t know...try twisting your ankle in a weird way? But I get it, if my school had that polar you I would break my left in a heartbeat. And I don’t even have an ex


Bruh I have a colossal problem. So basically, my dad restricted in app purchases (duh). So I can’t download WattPad. I am extremely sad because I love WattPad so much. However, I have Instagram and PicsArt, which I can still connect with y’all over. I’ll make a new Instagram to go with my YouTube, which y’all can connect with me over. 
          Love y’all, and Thank you so much for the support!


@I_wuv_puppies I don’t know? It’s blocked tho, and we can’t unblock it


@Avery_Underwood Does WattPad needs in-app purchases?


Hey y’all! Just wanted to let you know that I won’t be on tonight; my dad is factory resetting my iPod because he set restrictions for stuff like no app store, etc and forgot the password. Just letting you know! I will, however, most likely be on tomorrow because a sprained ankle just lets you do so much (note the sarcasm). 