
Hey guys !  have officially unpublished my book. I am going to republish it d=sooner with lesser grammatical errors and maybe a little character development sprinkled with regular updates...maybe. I was very much unhappy about how the plot was heading and wanted some changes . Plus there were many loop holes in it. Anyways, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for reading my book. :)


Hey guys !  have officially unpublished my book. I am going to republish it d=sooner with lesser grammatical errors and maybe a little character development sprinkled with regular updates...maybe. I was very much unhappy about how the plot was heading and wanted some changes . Plus there were many loop holes in it. Anyways, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you for reading my book. :)


Hey guys ! i have been irregularly updating my book the alpha's assassin. Now that I think of it, it needs major editing some even in the plot  as I have seen quite a lot of loop holes. I need someone who can help me edit the grammar. If you know any editors, please do help me out since I''m kinda new at all this stuff [even though I have been on wattpad for nearly a year]. So I if you have any idea about how this stuff goes round please do tell. Thanks for reading. New chapter up today !


I have no idea how on earth did you find me but YOU ARE AWESOME!!! Thank you so much for putting The Bad Nerd Boy into your reading list♡ I hope you’ll have amazing day cos you just made mine!! It’s my baby and I really appreciate your support cos I know how it feels like to have none ♡   P.s. have fun finding clues and solving the mystery! ♡ 


@AvalonHealer aww I hope you’ll enjoy it ❤️ thank you for giving my book a chance and for taking some of your time to reply this ❤️ your support means the world to me and I won’t take it for granted ❤️ just know that you’re one of the reasons I keep on writing ❤️ stay blessed ❤️ agatha x 


Hey there! I was wondering if you would like to check out my book MY MATE IS MY ENEMY. I will really appreciate it if you give it a try.
          Thanks for reading and have a good day :)


@AvalonHealer thanks it means a lot 


Hey, I'm hosting a contest named the Choco Awards, where we give a chance for new writers. I would like it if you participate in it!


@thereadingcafe_ Thanks a lot for the offer. I would surely look into it. But I am not sure if I'll participate because right know I am a little busy with prior commitments. 