
I know there are a lot of stories I haven’t updated in awhile. There was an unexpected development in my personal life so I’ve been working on that instead of writing stuff.
          	Tell The World is set to update as normal but the rest....may take a little longer.
          	A big apology to any fans of Book Of Life, I know it’s pushing on 7 months since y’all saw an update. I’m working on it after TTW.


I know there are a lot of stories I haven’t updated in awhile. There was an unexpected development in my personal life so I’ve been working on that instead of writing stuff.
          Tell The World is set to update as normal but the rest....may take a little longer.
          A big apology to any fans of Book Of Life, I know it’s pushing on 7 months since y’all saw an update. I’m working on it after TTW.


            So, hi (yup- it's that introvert-who-has-no-life-and-reads-all-day reader again)
            So, say- and this is extremely random- do you happen to know what this whole offline library thing is? Because I'm pretty sure I'm connected to the internet, but I can only read the 3 stories in the weird offline library. Not sure if it's my phone, or Wattpad, or my lousy internet connection, or what. (Really, really sorry to bother you, but I'm just so confused)
            *coughs awkwardly* Yeah, this was a bad idea...


I have no idea


(Really? I have 3) It's still stupid. What was wrong with the old library?


But my research shows you can only have 2~ stories on offline. Stupid.


          I have just started re-reading all of your books again and I just wanted to say that your amazing writing skills have always amazed me and your books always seem to be able to pull me back in after I put them down, you are actually one of the reasons that got me into reading all those years ago so I want to say thank you and I hope that you keep writing for a long time to come so that introverts like me have even less of a reason to leave the house!
          So I hope you have a great day! 


@B00PLE THANK YOU SO MUCH! THIS WAS THE KINDA PICK-ME-UP I NEEDED! I am proud to be the person that lets introverts lead an in-home life. Who needs outside?!


          I just wanted to say you're amazing, and all of your books are great. I find myself going back to them again and again and again, so I just wanted to let you know that you're awesome.


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@WeAllBecomeStories You always say the nicest shit- I swear my cheeks are red right now. And I love seeing your comments as you go back to the books. Feedback really does make me write faster.

AuthorA97’s been awhile. Hey.
          So I was in a car wreck over the Thanksgiving break. Apparently the repairs are getting expensive. There’s a chance my insurance isn’t going to cover it, and declare my car totaled. I’ve been told it’s a 5/95 chance of getting my car back.
          I’ve had this car for nearly three years. It’s feel like losing a part of me.
          I’ll have to start looking for new cars. I have three jobs right now, the newest at Cracker Barrel with anywhere from 24-30 hours a week. With my earnings, I should be able to afford larger payments. Still...I don’t like the idea of a new car. I love my car.
          I mentioned my new job. With the holiday season, it’s going to be a crazy next few weeks. This doesn’t even cover when the season is over, and I’m still working there. Writing is going to be pushed down on my priority list.