
Hello everyone, 
          	How are you doing? 
          	I'm doing good myself. 
          	I'm busy putting everything ready to upload according to my schedule. 
          	I'll upload twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on June 6. 
          	So far a quick update. 
          	Have a nice day, 


Hello everyone, 
          How are you doing? 
          I'm doing good myself. 
          I'm busy putting everything ready to upload according to my schedule. 
          I'll upload twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday, starting on June 6. 
          So far a quick update. 
          Have a nice day, 


Hi everyone, 
          I have taken some time and finished writing my new book. 
          It's called "Amidst the shadows and the secrets". 
          Currently, I'm in the editing phase so for now I'm giving you the 
          first chapter as a teaser. Go check it out and let me know your 
          thoughts and comments.  
          More chapters will follow and according to my normal upload 
          schedule, which is on Tuesday and Thursday. 
          Thank you for your patience, 


Hi everyone, 
          I know it's been a while but I'm working on something. 
          I'm not going to reveal who it is I'm working on. You'll find out fast enough. 
          After all, if I have enough chapters, a title, and a decent cover, I will start 
          uploading the story. At the moment I have like 30 chapters and counting. 
          Anyway, there is an update on my Sneak Preview book. 
          This time a short part about Natsuko Hirano, which is a Hakuouki story. 
          Go check it out! 
          Enjoy reading and have a nice day, 


Hi everyone, 
          I have a few questions because I saw someone -again- who is being 
          selective in voting for chapters. I'm always looking for ways to improve 
          my writing, style, and everything.  
          1 Why are you only voting for a few chapters? 
          2 What does the 'voted' chapter have that other chapters don't have? 
          3 What can I do to improve the other chapters, so you vote for them? 
          Help me out here cause I'm a little confused, 


Hi everyone, 
          It's official, Vampire Knight - Lost is finished. 
          The "Epilogue" is online to read and followed up by the chapter "Thank You!". 
          Who will be next? I have no idea. 
          I'm working on a Genshin Impact story simultaneously with a 
          Diabolik Lovers, Vampire Knight, and a YouTube one. Some 
          characters are fighting to get some attention. (: 
          You can check out my "Sneak Preview" book, which will get some 
          updates but not as frequent as a normal story. If someone gets 
          your attention in this book, let me know. Who would you like to meet? 
          I will keep you updated, of course. 
          So stay tuned, a new story will be uploaded when I have plenty of chapters. 
          Enjoy reading and have a nice day, 


Good morning everyone, 
          There's a new chapter online on Vampire Knight - Lost. 
          The sad part is that only the 'Epilogue' is the last chapter. 
          After next Tuesday the story is officially finished. 
          But there's always a new story coming so check out my Sneak Preview 
          and if some story catches your attention, feel free to let me know in 
          the comment section. 
          I hope you have a nice day and enjoy reading, 


Good morning, 
          How is everyone doing? 
          Go check out the new chapter on Vampire Knight - Lost. 
          Chapter 'Hundred-Nine'. It's almost finished. 
          Just one more chapter and the epilogue. 
          I hope you have a good day and have fun reading, 