
this message may be offensive
People always says life gets better and I keep believing and listening and it does, for like a second, then goes right back downhill. So, does life ever really get better cuz these small good bps are starting to get smaller and shorter and I don't think I can handle all this shit for much longer. Is it so bad to just want to be happy, and to make other people happy.


this message may be offensive
People always says life gets better and I keep believing and listening and it does, for like a second, then goes right back downhill. So, does life ever really get better cuz these small good bps are starting to get smaller and shorter and I don't think I can handle all this shit for much longer. Is it so bad to just want to be happy, and to make other people happy.


Can't wait till February so I can spend Valentine's day, my birthday and my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend alone and not able to talk to him because he made a stupid rule where he wouldn't give me what I wanted
          I just wanna cry(╯︵╰,)


Nvm, it was a joke and now I feel stupid


Thanks for the follow!❤️


@AubryThePirate T-thank you(;´༎ຶД༎ຶ`)


@ThatsOneLonelyPotato No problem, I loved your stories(◍•ᴗ•◍)❤