
Stan Lee has died today. As a big Marvel Fan, this truly breaks my heart. My friends and I truly thought he was immortal. I hope you all have a great day, and remember Stan Lee. Thank you!


          I didn’t realize that the last chapter of Mortal Meet Demigods hadn’t posted. I posted this message to all the people who were confused and commented on it;
          Okay, just to clear things up, I’m going to delete this chapter bc I thought this had been posted but clearly it hasn’t. I’m super sorry and very embarrassed and hope you all can forgive me. 
          I am super super super sorry about this, I truly thought the chapter had been posted. 


Hey guys!
          I wouldn't normally do this, but I just finished a fanfiction that changed my life. It's called Potter by Lily Brooks. I started reading this fanfic two years ago, and I have loved it ever since. She just uploaded the final part (109!!), a few days or weeks ago. It's surreal thinking that I won't be checking for updates anymore.
          Please, if you're a Harry Potter fan, please go read this book.
          Love, Athena


Hey guys!
          It’s almost Christmas and I kind of want to post a teaser of a fanfiction I’m working on. 
          The problem is that it needs major editing and I’m not sure where I want to go with it. Hopefully I might be able to post a teaser in 2018.
          Merry Christmas for all those who celebrate and Happy Holidays! 
          ❤️ Athena Carter


Hey y’all! 
          I’m super sorry for the inactivity recently, I’m working on a few fanfictions and a couple of books, and I hope you guys can be patient with me. 
          Thank you all so much, I love each and every single one of you. ❤️