
Hi everybody!
          	Sorry about my LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGG absence, the wifi has been on the blink, I've had family over (making me forced to be SOCIABLE and put the laptop away), and I've been on holiday.
          	However, I am now posting a lot of chapters to my trilogy I have mentioned before. It is now called The Jewels Trilogy and I've changed the storyline quite a lot after some thought and other inspirations. The first two chapters are now available to read! The first book is Rubies, followed by Emeralds, and concluding with Diamonds. Writing about 3 chapters a week, please have a look!
          	Apologies I haven't been updating the Dramione fanfic for a while, it is now a top priority. I will try to log on more (now that we've had our wifi strengthened and fixed). I will try and publish some more of 2
          	"The Good Slytherin" but this is less of an importance as it is not as popular.
          	Reading and writing love,
          	Rachel Rae


Hi everybody!
          Sorry about my LOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGGGG absence, the wifi has been on the blink, I've had family over (making me forced to be SOCIABLE and put the laptop away), and I've been on holiday.
          However, I am now posting a lot of chapters to my trilogy I have mentioned before. It is now called The Jewels Trilogy and I've changed the storyline quite a lot after some thought and other inspirations. The first two chapters are now available to read! The first book is Rubies, followed by Emeralds, and concluding with Diamonds. Writing about 3 chapters a week, please have a look!
          Apologies I haven't been updating the Dramione fanfic for a while, it is now a top priority. I will try to log on more (now that we've had our wifi strengthened and fixed). I will try and publish some more of 2
          "The Good Slytherin" but this is less of an importance as it is not as popular.
          Reading and writing love,
          Rachel Rae


My name is Aliyana, we talked on Yahoo Answers -- you suggested that I use Wattpad (which I been have lol) and I wanted to talk more! I know a friend that lives in England too!! I just REALLY need you to reply back! Oh and if your wondering why my name is different on Yahoo, is bc I'm using my mom's email for Yahoo Answers lol... more to chat about laterzzz and email me at! ALSO,  found the mistake!! and I apologize if I'm too forward, or werid.. lol. :)


@AstridHermione Alright! Sounds great, Thanks and lol have fun at camp! :)


@allycattxo_ Hi! Sorry I haven't read your message until now, I've been rather busy preparing for my camping trip (getting food, new tent and other boring stuff) so I haven't been able to get on here much.
            You have a very beautiful name!
            I think it would be great to talk more! You can contact me at
            You're not too forward, that's a wonderful message. This week I am actually away at the camping trip 3-7th August, and I've got to tidy away all the equipment (noooooo!) on Saturday. I may be available on Sunday to talk.
            It's great you like Wattpad.
            Talk to you soon!
            Rachel Rae; Wattpad Author


Hi everybody!
          Exciting news! I have updated my new Dramione fanfiction! Please take a look, there's a few new chapters ready for reading! What's wrong with Hermione. Next chapter; what's wrong with The Wizarding World? It's falling apart! But how? It's going to be released this week! So exciting!
          Secondly, I am writing a Trilogy! This is my biggest ever project, so I will be working on a good story plot with a lot of twists, hence there may not be many chapters at first. I am going to write it out on my laptop first, in case anything goes really wrong because this will be HUGE! I greatly appreciate your support as my readers, and reading your mail to me enlightens my day. Your comments are so kind, and it encourages me to write more. Thank you so much! I owe all of you my Wattpad career!
          Unfortunately, I am on holiday 3-7th August, camping with my family and a group of friends, and I am not permitted to bring my laptop (just my phone, which is old and doesn't support apps, sadly) so I can unfortunately not publish any more chapters to my fanfiction in this period of time. However, this coming week I will try and publish as much as I can to keep you all busy in the time I will be absent.  Hopefully I will publish the first chapter to the Occapula Trilogy, to keep you curious about what's going to happen (it's so exciting!).
          Love from Rachel Rae (my new pen name!)


cool i like to read harry potter also. im in 7th right now im mexican but i speak alot of english. my favorito sport is basketball and football. favorite color is GREEN! and u?


@044Palomam Hi there! Sorry I haven't replied to your message! You speak wonderful English. My favourite colour is light blue, and I like to play hockey, dodgeball and I swim a lot.
            Have a wonderful day :)
            Raven B.H. Rae


Message from @AstridHermione!
          Hi everyone! Just going to let you know that I am now back to writing on Wattpad! Yay! The support team were very efficient and got back to me ever so quickly, and I was so pleased! The problem was actually my computer but now it's fixed, so there's no more drastic waiting times. We are now on 404 reads, 22 votes and 4 comments! We are now at halfway point/two thirds point, and the final chapters will be revealed soon! IT'S SO EXCITING! It's great to know you are all enjoying it so much!
          Today I released the first chapter to my newest fanfiction "Albus Severus Potter and Helga Hufflepuff's Necklace"! It is now available to read here on Wattpad! The next chapter is coming out shortly! Feel free to get reading.
          Love always,
          I am reading: The Dark Is Rising. By Susan Cooper. (now avaliable on DVD, rated 12)


Hello everyone! I have some updates on the fanfiction I am writing for you. 365 reads and 18 votes! That's amazing! I couldn't do it without you guys, so thanks so much! There will be a little surprise waiting for you all at the very end.
          Unfortunately, I have run into some issues now that the Wattpad website has redesigned "My Works". I can't seem to type any chapters! This means that the entire story is on hold as I email the Wattpad support team about the issue. It's a real shame because I am aching to write and publish for you, and I know it's not nice to wait so long for a chapter. My apologies, everyone.
          On the more positive side, I am making plans for a third fanfiction as this fanfiction has gone so well. I don't want to reveal too much, but it's gonna be exciting! You will need to read my second fanfiction first, otherwise you might not be able to keep up with the plot and why things happened the way they did, and certain events that are mentioned. Anyway, it's gonna be fantastic, and I am planning to release it (if all goes the way I need it to go) in about 4-6 months.
          PLEASE NOTE: On the 3rd-9th of August, I am away camping with my family and there is no devices allowed (except my mobile, which is ancient and should only be used in emergencies.). This May half term (25-31st) we are having a family together week as I won't have any more holidays with both my parents around except Christmas. This means I may be going away (maybe to Butlins or somewhere) and I will not be writing any more chapters. Even if I am not going away, I still won't be releasing any as we will be doing stuff together. Sorry guys.
          Hopefully there will be new chapters out soon, but first I have to tell the Wattpad team. 
          Love always
          Hermione Malfoy (@AstridHermione)