
Hi miss authornim! As I stumbled upon your story, I never regretted reading it. It is refreshing and we'll the scenes are breath taking it's an exciting journey! I hope you'll find the inspiration to write an update once again...if time could help you to relax, reflect and find that sudden rush like a 'eureka!' to continue your story, take your time..we will wait, as it said. God makes all things beautiful according to His time. Hahaha and I hope you are better now and may you have a great day! Jiayou!


Hi dear! Omg I am so sorry I took so long to reply your msg - in general I am v bad with technology and struggle to use any interface (like I struggled to figure out how to add a new story part or even how to mark a story as complete...). Anw I was randomly clicking buttons on the app and I suddenly found this tab and saw this (!) so sorry my reply is so late until the story has ended alr  thank you so so much for your kind words and for reading. It really means a lot esp because I struggled with my first story a lot and I know my slow updating speed must have frustrated a lot of people. Thank you once again and glad to meet so many like-minded people who are obsessed with DiYue here! ♥️