
Concert Hostages has a new chapter update whoop! About a couple of chapters left. I know it has been a long while but ready, to sum up the book and have you guys read it all. Let me know what yall think or if you have any questions or whatnot!


Concert Hostages has a new chapter update whoop! About a couple of chapters left. I know it has been a long while but ready, to sum up the book and have you guys read it all. Let me know what yall think or if you have any questions or whatnot!


So good news! I did this last year and I am excited to do it again...I will be participating in NaNoWriMo this month! How is this in any way exciting? Well, I am entering Concert Hostages. That means a consistent reliable way to get me to give you guys updates on this guy instead of thousands of years later for one. Second, it means I can go through the revising process for it too! I will be working on a new update soon. I'm trying to survive the craziness this month has already brought me and hold onto the little sanity I have. If you guys have any questions or whatever let me know! Hopefully, I can get started on this next update and get closer to finishing this bad boy.


It's been a while haha like everyone else, i transitioned back into school so here is to getting back into writing. I am working on another update for Concert Hostages. Expect that up here soon! :) Also this website update is pretty neat. No complaints so far


After days like I said I would, CH has been updated. Got some fluff and backstory in there. 7 chapters to go! I'm doing my best to write but it seems like life has other plans. Let's shoot for another update, if I am lucky by they end of August or beginning of September. That's if I am lucky. Hope you enjoy this chapter!


A few things I wanna touch base on! First, can't believe the boys have been together for 6 years! It's insane! Their future may be looking iffy but as long as the boys are doing what they want like they said they would for break, then that's all that matters.
          Secondly, I am currently writing for CH and eating and brainstorming. It's probably gonna be a crappy update but hey, at least it's getting updated! If I'm lucky, I should have that done before I go to work today. Be ready for those reading haha


I turned 21 today! So old haha pretty cool birthday today :) even with some downs! I should get some updates here soon! :)


@InfernoKitty Hey! Thanks haha it has been awhile! How've you been? I've been good but busy!


@AshlieMay14 Happy (seriously late) birthday! It's been a while, huh?


Talk about updates happening. So finally after years, quite literally, Of Course It Had To Be You or OCIHTBY is finally updated!! Say what!? 
          I know I know insane. Just like life haha that's what has prevented me from doing so and I'm planning to finish it, FINALLY, this summer! Other story updates are coming along too but ideas for everything are like non existent. Between two jobs and two classes, things will be tricky but I'm hoping to get it all done. This story will be finished by August and Concert Hostages will still be receiving updates here and there. I'm in the process of writing that one now! 
          Any questions or concerns, feel free to hit me up! Hope you enjoy that awful chapter haha


hey friend


@CheckpointInDisguise Alive and kicking! Behind on stories just cause school but yeah. Trying to get back into the swing of things. I hope things get better with you!


@AshlieMay14 could be better honestly, glad to see your not dead still


Hey! Been awhile! How are you doing? @CheckpointInDisguise