
Hello, fellow Wattpadders! So, Chapter 11 of Timeless is now up and running. The truth about Marc's abilities is finally revealed and oh, oh, it magic? Immortality? What's going on...come on into the world of Timeless and find out. I promise you won't be disappointed :)


Hello friends! So, I just  posted Chapter 7 of Timeless: Magical Moments. It's Marc's big reveal, but will it leave Emma running for the hills? Anyways, if are taking the time to read 'Timeless', I sincerely thank you and I hope that you are enjoying it thus far. And, as always, I welcome any advice, comments and critiques you might have for me so that I can improve my work. Happy reading and happy writing, everyone! Xoxo, Ashleigh.


Hi everyone. So, I just published Chapter 6 of Timeless, titled "Decisions, Decisions". It's a continuation of Marc and Emma's story on the 2019 timeline and Emma is well on her way to finding out Marc's side of the story. I had fun writing it and I hope you have a chance to give it a read. As always, I am always grateful for any comments, advice or critiques you might have my way so I hope to hear from you. Anyways, thanks in advance for taking the time to read my work. Have a good one! Xoxo, Ashleigh.


Hi guys! So, I just published Chapter 4 of Timeless. It's Amelia and Marcus' timeline (1845) and we get the first glimpse of Marcus' powers. It was so enjoyable writing it and I hope you guys have a chance to read it and I really hope that you enjoy the ride as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to enter the world of Timeless. I really do appreciate it and I will hopefully have Chapter 5 done and dusted for you in a couple of days :) Happy reading and happy writing, my friends...


So excited to have just completed Chapter 3! Emma and Marc's 2019  timeline is picking up steam and now Marc knows about Emma's dreams about him...what will happen next?! 
          I hope you have some time to check it out and I would really appreciate any feedback, questions, comments or advice you might have for me. Thanks in advance for your time and I wish you happy reading and happy writing :)


Chapter 2 of Timeless is up and published :) It's the second timeline in the story set in 1845 and it is how Amelia and Marcus first met, 174 years ago. It was so much fun to write and I truly hope that you enjoy! Also, I would really, really appreciate any feedback, comments, advice and or constructive criticism. Thank you for taking the time to read my work. Happy reading and happy writing!