
I m not crying doesn't mean I'm not hurt. 
          	They are embarrassed. Of me. 
          	They want my results to be like others.  
          	I will become others then...
          	Like ...idk what to say .
          	They are not talking to me. Im just listening. 
          	Im sorry. 
          	I tried..?
          	Not my fault I was bullied and they asked me come out of hostel and coaching mid session. 
          	I mean I said I'll stay and fight, they begged me to come out of the place to not let my physical health deteriorate. 
          	My mental was begoneeee after it . Knowing how I'm dealing with it.  
          	Hell even dealt with it yesterday they don't know. 
          	Even if I tell them , they use the info against me.  Kinda shake hands with the circumstances that would attack me.  Me being the only defender for myself. Oh ho ho.  
          	Brother I'm just...gone ...
          	Im simply trying to survive trying not to die. 


I m not crying doesn't mean I'm not hurt. 
          They are embarrassed. Of me. 
          They want my results to be like others.  
          I will become others then...
          Like ...idk what to say .
          They are not talking to me. Im just listening. 
          Im sorry. 
          I tried..?
          Not my fault I was bullied and they asked me come out of hostel and coaching mid session. 
          I mean I said I'll stay and fight, they begged me to come out of the place to not let my physical health deteriorate. 
          My mental was begoneeee after it . Knowing how I'm dealing with it.  
          Hell even dealt with it yesterday they don't know. 
          Even if I tell them , they use the info against me.  Kinda shake hands with the circumstances that would attack me.  Me being the only defender for myself. Oh ho ho.  
          Brother I'm just...gone ...
          Im simply trying to survive trying not to die. 


 why do I feel so old lol . 
          Also the voices in my head might kill me if I keep music away from my ears for a day. 
          Wtf am I even saying.
          This is my ranting space I guess.
          But I can do that on ig too.  Noone knows me or forgot me .  But ig is not a safe space tho . I only post fan  stuff and positive stuff . and wayyy too many people know me. 
          Twt is strictly for army activities purposes.
          I stopped posting wtsp status rant . Too many adults {judgemental restrictive downplaying opinionated ones )  know me . I'm not comfortable with them knowing that I feel horribly stupid for loving someone lol . That'd be so hazbskbxzwksakz
          My family's reputation would go down in drain ( when have I ever even made it good , I could never make anyone proud of me , one day I will) 
          Yt comments - idk I don't got time for lurking in YouTube comfort side .
          Weverse? Hmm maybe..
          But either I will be annoyingly spammed with bot message or will end up deleting it again out of anxiety . 
          I wanna tell Tannies about my days like I used to . 
          Diary? I still write . I just needed a space to write without thinking and it's not how I pen down stuff in my head .
          Well... here's all options I had and why I don't write my sh-t anywhere else 


@123456akansha you are welcome to my space anytime my friend. I  love to listen to you, talk to you. 
            As you said that you have been feeling very out of it these days , I could understand this feeling very well . 
            If you may give time to find something that relaxes u, perhaps That could help? I don't know much but I can say at least that much:] 
            Everyone has their own pace in life to grow , so if you try to give yourself some time and kindness for yourself, perhaps that'd make you feel better. 
            So what if we couldn't talk for long time!
            I remember the little conversations we had and that's very precious to me. ^^ 
            True that I missed talking to you
            But  that doesn't mean am holding bad feelings for you. I am not. Seriously. 
            I'm still your friend. 
            I will wait for your  reply whenever you do friend ❣️


@Asfjkshja  just so yo know umm actually it's not the much but i am changing my account and continued to run it with another one so I just want that our connection should not break I mean I spend so many great moments with you it was so clamin and enjoy i everytimr I talk to you so I hope we can continue to become as we are now I know I was not able to talk to you and that was very long but i rember you when I feel so out of everything I think about our conversation and it makes me feel so good so I hope I still be your friend right and thanks for everything  ❣️I will msg u here again with different account 
            Take care of urself 


HYYH storyline adaptation drama has been released. 
          Begins ≠ youth 
          I really really really like how hyyh connects with us but the drama is completely a narration of a story. So it's different 
          The coming together of a group of youth from different backgrounds.
          Got to see the hyyh revive again tho!
          And the actors studied Tannies so well , they even have similar mannerisms. 


I'm wounded deeply myself, but ironically I want to study to heal people . 
          I don't trust people but I want to trust them and them to trust me.  
          Im going to try my best , this time and always, forever. 
          I'll not let anyone be as hurt as me under my care , physically and mentally. At least I'll do the best possible for them.


Bleughh I'm gonna throw up.  
          I always aid to injuries, whether physical or emotional of people and in return get hurt for it.  I feel like throwing up.  I'm feeling sick to my guts.  Im stupid , stupidest human in this world. I always trust and care people with my head and heart .
          Eeeee bleuwghh 
          Yuk I'm so disgusting


@vakiia thank you for saying that 


Caring for people is not a bad trait, and never will be. With persistence, you will find people who value  and cherish you for who you are and who you will become. It can be hard, but all I can say is try not to let ungrateful people hinder you. You’re amazing and I am confident you will continue to be <3