

My smut book was taken down, and I’m busy with life so I think it’s a good time to say I’m not going to continue any of my rps. Even the ones with other people on their rp books. I hope everyone understands this was a decision made by personal reasons.


@Batmandude18 yeah no problem it was a blast.


Im sorry to hear that, but I had fun rping with you, thanks


The dark tavern I called home melted away. I called it home because it was the only place for me to thinks. My thoughts echoed though, carelessly bouncing off rigid walls. The water, from the waterfall just outside of the entrances, rushed loudly. The lonesome water droplets, from the roof of the cave, gently made a rhythmic beat. “Ploop, ploop, ploop...” I looked down and couldn’t help but cry. I was left for so long in this tavern of mine, it’s become my mind. My mind is dark no matter where the setting is, and I can’t escape it.