
Hi readers! I hope that you guys will enjoy reading chapter two soon. Just stay tuned.


Hello, dear readers.  I hope you've the prologue.  Although I have a bit of problem to write chapter 1. I have to be hiatus for my online entertainment world.  But don't said that I'm not interested in cover the songs anymore.  It's just, I need to focus on the story I've left for years.  Chapter 1 coming soon. 


Yang belum baca cerita 
          Monggo, dibaca dulu. Jangan sampe ketinggalan, yuk!❤
          Boleh jadi ada yang nyantol + baper sama alur ceritanya❤
          Eits, jangan lupa buat pencet bintang kecilnya, ya.
          Vote+comment-nya sangat membantu dan sangat ditunggu
          Open follow akun buat 20 orang pertama yang ngevote cerita ini.
          Syukran makhluk Bumi