
Hey guys. Arsheena123 here. I'm probably going to take a while to post the next chapter to Roses because it's a really long chapter and i started to rewatch fairy tail. The next few chapter are probably going to be long and in detail. So it will also take a long time to post Scaled Dragon Hearts. 


Thanks so much for following me! I shall be eternally grateful :)! I hope you enjoy my works, and don't hesitate to express your opinions - everything is welcomed!


@Arsheena123 yep, we should. It'll be easier over messages, and it's fun talking to you ;D!


@DGLwin awesome! We should chat more then. 


@Arsheena123 Oh, I've never done that before but sure! I'm looking forward to it :D! - just let me know how it works 


Hey guys. Arsheena123 here. I'm probably going to take a while to post the next chapter to Roses because it's a really long chapter and i started to rewatch fairy tail. The next few chapter are probably going to be long and in detail. So it will also take a long time to post Scaled Dragon Hearts.