
hello! I publish a One Shot story for Tati and Sean Shippers, so, it's basically a Fan Fiction for them thank you, just check out my works and love you  @imanebenguedba ♡ dedicated for you 


Hello, I've noticed that you really like reading. I thought that you might like poems aswell and recently I started writing and I've just published a poem of mine as well. I'm really new to wattpad and I need help. I wish that you could find some time and check out my chapbook it would be really amazing to have your interpretations and thoughts about it . If not I also respect it. He Decides To Write: Random Poems is the title of my book. God bless you and Thankyou for your time
          Hedecidestowrite is the username of the author. And Hedecidestowrite: Random Poems


Thanks so much for the votes and feedback!! It means a lot :)
          Am following back!!!