
Hey guys, its been such a long time since I have been active! I really miss graphic designing, especially the design community. I have opened an art account on instagram and I would appreciate it if you guys follow my art journey there, where I can look for new opportunities. I would appreciate feedback too and my account username is @skiescraft for those who are interested <3.


Hey guys, its been such a long time since I have been active! I really miss graphic designing, especially the design community. I have opened an art account on instagram and I would appreciate it if you guys follow my art journey there, where I can look for new opportunities. I would appreciate feedback too and my account username is @skiescraft for those who are interested <3.


Arden!! How are u hun? 


@-ADEELAJ-  alright I'll check it out


@Ardenwillcraft that's great! Welcome back. Gonna PM you 


@-ADEELAJ- hi! I'm alright, got back to designing! Hbu?