Why hello there person reading this! ÛwÛ
If you're actually reading this that probably means that I should write something in this section.
Lets start over.

Hello there! (⌒▽⌒)
You can call me Alla, Ayaka, Akane, or whatever you would like! ^^
~ I am a girl
I've been on Wattpad for years now (⊙_⊙')
& sadly I have become mostly inactive
( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

Despite this, I hope that we can still be friends!

Here's some other things to know about me:

✧▫︎✥⁃✳︎Things I love✳︎⁃✥▫︎✧
❇︎My Family♥︎
❀My bird Roka ♥︎
❀My dog Penny♥︎
❃My friends♥︎
☆Throwing pottery (not literally x) )
✻Drawing birds

❃My friends/ amazing, wonderful,
people who deserve so much (I'm so sorry that these are not all entirely up to date usernames):
(This is in no particular order;)

✯✧✵✬▻‣◇Please Follow, respect, and be kind to these lovely people!◇✾✧✫❤︎⤳
  • That is a very. very. very. good question._________ ( ̄︶ ̄;)
  • JoinedMay 23, 2019

Last Message
Aquazura_Hinoka Aquazura_Hinoka Jul 18, 2020 11:26PM
Hello there:)I am sorry that I have been inactive lately. I am especially sorry to those of you in the dm s  that I haven't responded to. >-<  I am so sorry!! I have been really busy with family stu...
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