
Today I published Tunnels on Amazon. Whilst I don't really care about read numbers, I am proud to have done something so awesome. This weekend I will have a physical copy of my book on my bookshelf!


Just a lowly post to anyone who might see it. 
          I would love for someone and/or anyone to read my short story The Last Laugh of the Tree and tell me what genre you think it best fits in. 
          I want to post it to Share my Story but so far can only really think it fits to General Short Story. 


@ndlyman93 So glad you liked it! Hmm magical realism might work, I may try it there and see how it goes.


@Aphadon I'll add it to my list and check it out tonight :)


Thank you for adding Daughters of Fate Book 1 to your reading list.  I hope you'll enjoy it and provide me any feed back once you get around to reading it.  Thank you again!


@Aphadon No problem.  I try very hard to read the works of those who also read mine.  Sometimes I get very behind though.


@MathiasCavanaugh enjoyed chapter one a lot so far. I will endeavour to continue reading over the coming months, though most of my time on site is spent writing. feel free to check my very short stories out, and thanks for adding my scifi to your reading list. Excited to hear any thoughts.


Chapter four is complete and up. Really chuffed to see a few people reading currently. I will be doing my best to write chapter five over the next two weeks, but I will be on holiday driving around Europe so don't know how much time I will have.


Just uploaded a map I created to the introduction and first part. I have always loved maps, but this is my first time creating a world. Would love feedback. Also, I will be looking at uploading in higher quality when I can figure that out!