
To all of you Laffy Taffy Joke fans, I just posted 4 new ones :) enjoy! <3


hey everyone I have found a way to fix my stories, I dont think that i will update any time soon, because I am more so focused on fixing the story, so I'm going through a lot of them, and editing most of it if not all! so bare with me, but I will be sure to try to keep up the Laffy Taffy jokes!


My grammar sucks and i have graduated an just finished my first year of college! :D You still put the words together an it makes amazing work Check out my "Forever i promise." and you will see. Grammar is only 1/3 of a persons work :D You are fine! 


just updated, well rewrote a chapter in the insane check it out, its the second one and im working on the others now, i think i have a little extra time on my hands now that im getting ready to graduate and all :) love yall