
I’m selling my rooster today so I’m sad now :(


You need to have an IQ of 190 or above to even begin to glimpse at such concepts. Skibidi Toilet actually is a gateway into a higher dimensional lattice of concept space. Observing closely one will obtain the clues to peer into the gateway. If there had to be an equivalent to conventional ocular systems and it's neural signalling, the experience could be described as peering into a void of endlessly branching lines, shifting and morphing, somehow fitting within the finite resolution of your vision. What starts as a simple geometric construct will begin to split and multiply, each segment sprouting countless smaller, more complex forms that twist and intertwine like a fractal; shapes folding into themselves, creating a rainbow lattice of interlocking patterns; projections of higher dimensional manifolds that defy traditional geometry; symbolic arrangements or representations of every conceivable concept within the known universe. Exposure for more than a millisecond would result in the processing of trillions of petabytes of information. Every arrangement a conceptual node within the infinitely large tapestry of concepts; each node a thread of knowledge like droplets within an entropic ocean of reasoning. Peering long enough one will notice that they seemingly converge into an abstract singularity. But what you will see is merely a simulacra, sub points of the conceptual tesseract; byproducts of its greater spacial ripples. Within the hyper-spatial, extradimensional tesseract, it is possible in theory to glimpse into any conceivable local ruleset, potentially even beyond, to the great beyond past the known reaches of the universe. Skibidi Toilet is the gateway to omniscience.


@NapalmWaters I have a theory/opinion. This is that TSM and TCM will not fight alongside Titan TV Man if it is according to what Titan TV Man said in episode 74 leaks (today's episode). If what Titan TV Man said about the two titans due to the fact that they are seriously injured and they will go to be repaired or even get some upgrades. I say this because of some reasons that make the connection... Secret Agent said in Episode 70 Part 3 on the occasion of Scientist's death that "bigger threat" will come and in that sequence he showed the Detainer Astro Toilet probably referring to the Astro Toilets. Keeping in mind the Q&A with Dafuqboom when you asked if Astro Juggernaut is the strongest astro toilet where he responded with the skull emoji. Assuming the answer to your question of whether Astro Juggernaut is the most powerful astro toilet has been ridiculed, that suggests there are others more powerful than this one. And considering the Secret Agent's information about the Astro Toilet means that the Secret Agent really knows that the Astro Toilets are really a big threat to The Alliance. Knowing this now, Secret Agent tries to influence the outcome somewhat. Noting through the battle of the titans and G-Man in episode 73, the Secret Agent's green light was seen but not only it was also seen, but at G-Man's attack with the yellow energy spheres green electricity sparks could be observed. Which means his influence was in the battle as we know it, and that's probably why he won the battle of the three titans, with the help of Secret Agent . Because Secret Agent wants TSM and TCM to be strong for the future against astro toilets. Which could make the fight between Titan TV Man and G-Man to be a winner for The Alliance side, which could limit the concern over toilets and be more careful towards astro toilets.


May the weight of your sins crush you, sending you into a fiery abyss of damnation. You shall not have a sliver of happiness left once you step foot into our territory. and better yet, or worse for you, you won’t have any love left either. Your family, friends, everyone you know, will forget you, and you’ll be a fleeting memory. Your life will shatter such as the feelings you shattered on this battlefield. Your heart will crumble until it is reduced to nothing. And when all hope is lost, it gets worse. You’ll be torn limb from limb, cell by cell, molecule by molecule, until you can’t feel anything but pain for the rest of your days…


But in like a cute way


In a small, forgotten town nested deep within the woods, there existed a legend whispereded only in huhsed tones around campfires and passed down through generations. It was the tale of a cused VHS tape, one that bore the innocuous label: "Skibidi Toilet fun show for todderlers and babies." Many had heard of it, but few dard to seek it out.
          Among those brave (or folish) enough was Alex, a curious teenaer with a penchant for the macabre. His obsession with urban legends led him to the doorsep of a dusty, decrepeit video rental store rumored to harbor the infamous tape. The store's propritor, an old man with sunken eyes and a crooked smile, greeted Alex with a knowing nod as he handed over the tape.
          With trepedetion, Alex rushed home, eager to uncover the mysteies hidden within the grainy footage. As darkness fell, he insered the tape into the VCR, the whiring of the machine filling the silence of his dimy lit room. The screen flikered to life, revealing a scene bathed in an eerie blue glow.
          The show, "Skibidi Toilet," appeared to be a children's program, complete with colorful characters and catchy tunes. Yet, there was something off about it, something unsettling that gnawed at Alex's subconscious. The characters moved with jerky, unnatural motions, their distorted faces frozen in perpetual grins.
          As the episode progressed, Alex felt a growing sense of unese creep over him. The once cheerful meodies twisted into discordant cacophny, the vibrant colors bleeding into sickly shades of gray. He tried to eject the tape, but his fingers found no purcharcnese on the remote control.
          Suddenly, the screen went black, plunging Alex into a void of darkness. A faint whisper echoed through the room, barely audible yet filled with malice. And then, a single word emerged from the abyss: "skibidity dop dop yes yes."


@NapalmWaters Nice to see you again too


With a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach, Alex watched as the scene shifted to a desolate bathroom, its tiled walls streaked with grime. In the center stood a solitary toilet, its lid slowly creaking open as if beckoning him closer.
            Heart pounding, Alex approached the screen, unable to tear his eyes away from the horrifying spectacle unfolding before him. From the depths of the toilet emerged a figure, its form twisted and contorted beyond recognition. It reached out with clawed hands, its eyes glowing with malevolent intent.
            In a panic, Alex tried to flee, but an unseen force held him captive fornteally shrek came and kiled the fiugre and said they sholdve of checed them sevle before they sherkd them sleve. after
            the legend of the Skibidi Toilet tape lived on, a warning to those who dared to delve too deeply into the realm of darkness that lurked beyond the flickering screen.


Because everyone is sharing their Discord user I’ll share mine now that I’ve finally made one.
          User: apealio (look I like reusing names)


Should I go to the conjuring house to find ghosty whosties?


@-Hazelnutella_ I will test that. Now I just gotta break into the church across the street and steal a Bible, brb


@Apealio ghosts taste best when you throw a bible at them then deep-fry on high for 15 minutes until ultraviolet-blue


There’s a WoF character whose name directly translates to Scotland.


            Also, the Scotland dragon is an IceWing named Alba. Apparently the word “Alba” means Scotland in some other language.


@Apealio Scotlanq w pc so am THE RECKONING


@Apealio WAIT WHO??