
From Me: STAY strong no matter what!!!
          From Lanka: STAY Smart!
          From Nicky: STAY Encouraging in the hard times!
          From Artsy: STAY Creative!!
          From Zillah: Don't look at the neggatives, STAY positive.
          From Mair: ^DO^ STAY negative to yourself.
          From Emiliana: STAY kinda Creative!
          From Colson: STAY innocent!!! o-o'
          From Aislinn: STAY healthy!!! AS IN GET SLEEP WATTPAD.
          From the whole HeadRekt Crew: DONT CHANGE IN A BAD WAY, CHANGE IN A GOOD WAY!!!!
          Read till the end! ♡
          I sent an angel to watch over you last night, but they were confused when they flew back they explained that they didnt watch over - other - angels. 
          There are 14 Angel's in this world. 8 are sleeping, 5 are playing, and the last one is reading this message. ♡
          The universe has seen you struggling, and has promised that will end. A blessing will come your way! 
          Send this to 14 other angles in your life who deserve to know they are loved~
          Dont stop the chain! Send positivity and love all around; you never know who needs to hear it the most! 
          Remember that I care about you! Many more feel the same way about you too, and want you to be the happiest you ever could be ♡




Mk. I’ll put the edit in my randomness book when I’m done


            i just put it in my randomness book


            Put a Gacha screenshot of your character in a book and then I’ll edit it.