
Sorry everyone for the inconvenience and not being active and publishing a chapter. School is starting again next week. I will try to to update every 2 days again!! Sorry again. 


So.. I’m sitting here thinking to myself, Why don’t I make my followers wait for my book? And why don’t I just be like my mother and post every single (for eq: Wednesday). I think that’s what I’ll do, but there will be cliffhangers!! AND I MEAN ALOT. 


I took down all my books because as I have  grown older I learned that they became cringy and I didn’t like that. so “Before I Fell For You” will be deleted and put into different perspective. So sorry for any confusion. I just realized I had not put any of my books out for everyone (my 8 followers) to read. And as I said months ago I told you all a new book was going to be released, the title and date is still a secret. The date of the book being published is unknown because of how busy I am, School, Sports, and life. Thank you for everyone being so patient! Love you all. (I’ll try to get busy and publish the book)