
          	I know it’s for plot reasons and what not but did it REALLY take them 6 years to escape!? I’m surprised they didn’t go insane.
          	But it was really nice to see all the exitors again! And maybe a possible exitor rejoin?
          	Oh and also possible appearance of THREE?! Maybe not, the poor dude seems like he wants to be left alone.


          I know it’s for plot reasons and what not but did it REALLY take them 6 years to escape!? I’m surprised they didn’t go insane.
          But it was really nice to see all the exitors again! And maybe a possible exitor rejoin?
          Oh and also possible appearance of THREE?! Maybe not, the poor dude seems like he wants to be left alone.


Hey everyone…
          I…I never thought I would say this but…
          It’s something that has been due coming in a long time…
          You wanna know what it is..?
          It’s quite simple actually…
          I’VE GRADUATED.
          Yep. You definitely heard that right folks. No more school for me! But you’re probably thinking where does that lead me now? Honestly I don’t know. I’ve had ideas of starting my own object show but that takes a looooong time. But right now my current thoughts are on WattPad and maybe I’ll actually get some work done this month now!
          Anyways thanks for listening everyone and always remember to be awesome!


Do you all ever have that feeling when…
          You deeply remember something from your childhood, you loved and it and you never ever forget about it, and if you somehow did, you come running to it like you never left it!
          …And then. After many years. It finally ends. All those memories you’ve had with it have finally come to an end. All you have is fun the times you’ve had.  And the bad times as well…
          It’s a sad feeling I know. But it helped you grow into the person you are today. And that is something you should be happy about. Keep that memory safe.
          Memory is key after all.
          (If any of you don’t understand a web series I watched during my childhood is finally ending after so many years. I watched the final episode and I’m very sad but also happy the story got a conclusion. So yeah that’s basically it thanks for listening)


Hey everyone! Anon here!
          So you probably noticed the lack of updates and trust me I’m also annoyed by that. But hear me out for a second and let me explain.
          Firstly, this is my last year of high school after that I’ll need to figure out what to do with my life.
          Secondly, I’m on vacation in Florida with my dad and I haven’t really had time to write stuff.
          Thirdly and the most important, I have 2 major projects I need to complete. The first one being I need to do a presentation of me doing something related to agriscience. And the last reason I need to do a Senior project which is basically a goal i need to put work into and complete if I want to graduate. I gave it some thought and said. “Y’know what? Yeah! Let’s do it!”
          I’m gonna be making an object show!
          The preview storyboard is basically completed now I just got to draw, animate and voice the whole thing. Trust me, it’s not easy to do. It’s seems simple enough but all the steps you need to do. Very exhausting.
          So yeah…that’s the reason I haven’t been updating, hope y’all can forgive me. I’ll try to get a new chapter of “I Leaf You” finished this week but there’s no guaranteed chance.
          That’s all for now folks! Have a wonderful, morning, noon, evening, or night!
          Anon out!


I know a lot of you are probably excited for the BFDI and II Meetup this year and trust me I am as well. But thinking about it. There is a one problem.
          They are meeting up in WAY TO MANY LOCATIONS!
          Yeah it is really cool that they are managing to do this in that many locations in the U.S but with that many it’s gonna be so hard for people who aren’t going to avoid leaks.
          …but eh that’s just me. What’s your whole opinion on this?


@Anonymousman61 All I know is...
            I CAN'T COME!