
I notice I have new followers. Thank you! I appreciate your support! I hope you're enjoying my stories. I suppose it's time for an update. Since I finished At His Whim...
          	... I switched my major to creative writing. My entire family said, "finally!" I was delusional to think I'd enjoy four years of math or business classes. I'll graduate next December.
          	... I've learned a lot in my various writing classes. The playwriting/screenwriting class I'm finishing now has been especially beneficial. I'll finish the first draft of a screenplay by the end of the semester. I expect to use many of these tools in my novel writing as well.
          	... as a result of above-mentioned class, I'm better equipped to return to my dear companions in At His Whim, to revise that novel and perhaps begin a new one to continue their story.
          	... I've started to see writing as a career, not just a hobby. As such, I'm starting to doubt the wisdom of posting anything new here... and even the wisdom of leaving At His Whim up. I'll continue to think about it.
          	... I've joined the Christian anime blog Beneath the Tangles, where I write a weekly column—though I occasionally have to skip a week, when my studies get overwhelming. 
          	So, that's my update! I've done a lot of writing, both fiction and non-fiction. I'm sorry I haven't delivered what I promised for At His Whim, though most of you have probably forgotten about me by now anyway. 
          	Happy Writing! I don't read much here anymore, but I still think of ya'll when I get stuck in my writing for class. I like to remember your stories, your imagination, and your love of exploring the "what if"s of your fantasies. It's inspiring.


I notice I have new followers. Thank you! I appreciate your support! I hope you're enjoying my stories. I suppose it's time for an update. Since I finished At His Whim...
          ... I switched my major to creative writing. My entire family said, "finally!" I was delusional to think I'd enjoy four years of math or business classes. I'll graduate next December.
          ... I've learned a lot in my various writing classes. The playwriting/screenwriting class I'm finishing now has been especially beneficial. I'll finish the first draft of a screenplay by the end of the semester. I expect to use many of these tools in my novel writing as well.
          ... as a result of above-mentioned class, I'm better equipped to return to my dear companions in At His Whim, to revise that novel and perhaps begin a new one to continue their story.
          ... I've started to see writing as a career, not just a hobby. As such, I'm starting to doubt the wisdom of posting anything new here... and even the wisdom of leaving At His Whim up. I'll continue to think about it.
          ... I've joined the Christian anime blog Beneath the Tangles, where I write a weekly column—though I occasionally have to skip a week, when my studies get overwhelming. 
          So, that's my update! I've done a lot of writing, both fiction and non-fiction. I'm sorry I haven't delivered what I promised for At His Whim, though most of you have probably forgotten about me by now anyway. 
          Happy Writing! I don't read much here anymore, but I still think of ya'll when I get stuck in my writing for class. I like to remember your stories, your imagination, and your love of exploring the "what if"s of your fantasies. It's inspiring.


Not really. I've neglected my fiction writing lately. -_-;;
          Hence the late reply (plus, my computer was in the shop, so I wasn't eager to get on Wattpad with my phone or someone else's computer). 
          Twitter's the better place to find/communicate with me. Or my blog's Facebook... or my blog itself. :)


i was wondering if you could check out  my book island in the middle of nowhere and gives some feedback on it.
          it is only one short chapter so it wouldn't take long to read.
          happy writing!
          PS: your writing is great!


@Annalyn  i'm the same. SO MUCH HOMEWORK! thanx if you get around to leaving a comment on my book. and if you don't just don't worry.


First of all, thank you, Abby. 
            I'm sorry to say that I'm terribly swamped right now with school and work. When I do have time, I don't have much brain energy left. Last time I said I'd look at someone's story, I didn't follow through on it, and I still feel bad about that. On the unlikely chance that I do have the time (and memory) later this week, I'll stop by your story and leave a comment. 
            As an alternative, might I recommend stopping by one of the clubs? I haven't been there in a while, but when I was, I found a couple of great, sincere writers and readers who love to help each other improve their writing.


So, for those of you who didn't notice this weekend... At His Whim is finally COMPLETE! Woohoo! Just look at that pretty green check mark. Isn't it lovely?
          I'd love to hear what you think. :)
          Some of you fanned me well over a year ago. I'm sorry it took so long to finish this book, and I'm particularly sorry for that five month break I took last year. I hope you'll consider it worthwhile to come back and finish reading. 
          So, what's next? Revisions, and then a sequel. Yes, a sequel. I realized about halfway through writing At His Whim that one book wouldn't be enough. I've already started planning a little. I don't know when I'll put it up, though. Right now, school needs to take priority. 


@Kakarot89 Pretty good. My much needed Christmas break is coming to a close, though, so I'll be balancing busyness soon. 
          How about you? I haven't been watching my home page very closely lately, but I did just see your recent message to all fans. Not fun. Hope your hand's healing quickly.