
Just updated “it’s not everyday you become a hero”! A new chapter should be up tomorrow as well to get back on schedule! 


Hello everyone! 
          From now on “It’s Not Everyday You Become A Hero” will now be updated twice a week on Tuesdays and Fridays! You’ll either see a new chapter or an Author’s note on those days every week so stay tuned if you want to keep up with the book as it progresses. 


I have an exam in a couple hours but after that I’m finally free to work on the next chapter for “It’s Not Everyday You Become A Hero”. Again I’m still working out what days during the week are the best for updates but you’ll see another chapter up by this Sunday at the absolute latest so stay tuned if you have liked and followed the story so far! 


Sorry for posting the prologue and chapter 1 out of order! I came up with the idea for a prologue after chapter 1 was already up. Hopefully though who have already read chapter 1 won’t be to disappointed by missing the prologue when they started. 


Hello everyone! 
          Updates on “it’s not everyday you become a Hero” will most likely be coming out weekly. Once I find a day that works best with my schedule I’ll let you all know! I know in the past I have had lots of stories going but that probably won’t happen this time. Stay tuned for updates an feel free to let me know what you think of the story as it goes! I look forward to hearing from you all. 


Last night I posted the start of a new story! It’s about college students with super powers. It’s called “it’s not everyday you become a hero.” Check it out if you like my stories or if you like Sci-fi. It’s brand new so it’s just starting with one chapter. 


Hello! It’s been a while! I have been super busy getting my degrees and so I haven’t had time to write at all. And unfortunately it’s been to long for some of my ongoing pieces for me to finish them… :( I may go look at them again later but that may take a while. They are still on this account but they aren’t open to the public any more. There may be new things in store though! So stay tuned and watch out for another story coming out eventually. 


I've finally published the next Chapter in Elysium! I had some pretty bad writer's block for a while there... The frustrating kind where you know what you want to write about but not how to write it! Anyway thanks for following and reading my stories guys!


Hello everyone! It's finally summer vacation for me! I hope I can update more frequently with this new found time but I'm not sure because I have to get a job this summer. I'm hoping for an internship which would mean that I would be really busy with that cuz they are basically full time jobs for the summer. Anyway I'm hoping to get the next chapter up for Elysium by the end of this week maybe sooner. Feel free to remind me if it's not up by then! Thank you all for reading and have a great summer!