
lol I'm going now 


OI! DID YA FORGET ME M8'S?! WELL GUESS WHAT. IM COMING BACK AHAHA TO HAUNT YER DREAMS M8 THIS NIGHTMARE WILL NEVER BE OVER MWAHAHAHAH Don't stop reading please. Ok, so basically, no one knew this except for @DisnerdAlert and I just want to tell you guys that I didn't leave. I made a secret new account cuz this account was too crowded lmao. So, follow @AsheHunter if you wanna see more of mah books. 
          (honestly, how did no one even try to make this name I was so surprised XD)


I am back! From nowhere but still. I am back and I am working like a tank engine. -cue Thomas the Tank Engine Theme Song- Anyways, check out my new books please! There's a new one called, Different Worlds and it's just random tags and things! Also, I'll be making a new series but it'll take quite some time to get it ready. I'll tell you guys updates about this new series in my book, Different Worlds in future updates. Please don't forget to vote and comment! SHANK YOUUUUU. (That shank you part was courteously made by @DisnerdAlert)


I am sorry to tell you that the new story will be changed to something else. My thoughts are just really jumbled up and I can't think straight. I have so many ideas but they're all really short and loose-ended. I can't think, arghh.


Here's a little summary of the new book, Fat is the New Skinny. This book will be to all those self-conscious girls who don't know that they are beautiful just the way they are! 
          Fat is the New Skinny
          "Have I ever told you that you are incredibly beautiful?" he smiled, taking my hand into his own. 
          "Just because I'm fat, doesn't mean that you have to pity me," I snapped, glaring at our hands. "Go bedazzle some skinny girl that's walking around the woods."
          "But Gene, fat is the new skinny, and it is so much more better that way."
          o·bese (ōˈbēs/) : grossly fat or overweight.
          Well, the dictionary could have been less blunt about it.


Ooh!!! Surprise, surprise! A new story will be coming out soon! I don't know when the release is, but I can feel that it's something that's gonna be good! Let's just say... that it's gonna have a Once Upon A Time vibe to it. Hehe, enjoy your day!


The second chapter of Project XXI is ready! I already found a nice suitable person for Ekko, but if you think there's someone better PM, or comment and on my book! Just keep in mind that a new chapter is coming out today!