
I have the new Phone and will be posting all further content on the new profile TheWellerman2280. 


Hello I recently posted an update to Shattered Order explaining things coming in the future. It's important that you read it to understand things coming up. I plan on making a new account as I didn't actually plan on writing when I made it so I never wrote down my password and other info lol so I plan on making a new one and other things so I'll let y'all know when I make these changes but that will all be done when I finish Shattered Order first so don't worry.


I just finished rewriting and fixing the first 6 chapters in the book Shattered Fate, I fixed as meny spelling errors, duologue problems, and plot problems I wanted to fix. I will be fixing each and every chapter of my books up till my most recent chapter in Shattered Order. I would love to see what you all think of the changes along with giving me suggestions on how I can add/fix any problems you have. 
          -Authur dude.




Ok thanks


@spawn2016 just remind you and any other readers I am currently re editing some of the earlier chapters and fixing as many mistakes made in writing. I may also add a bit extra to each one I edit so be on the lookout for that. I do hope you and others join in on reading this story and more in the future.
            -Authur Dude 


@spawn2016 unsure but as of this moment no, if there is it will be tiny and not be more than a few sentences or a paragraph long. I want this story to focus on Improving my writing skills and also making a fun story people enjoy. So in short terms we shall see.
            -Authur Dude 